Web Design Business Course

Create a self-employed

web design business

and lifestyle you love

Get flexibility, financial security, and FREEDOM

If you’ve struggled with breaking into self-employed web design, or just don’t know how to start – it’s not your fault! There is so much bad advice out there, and some of it comes from well-meaning people who love us. But… are they successfully self-employed and hitting 6 figures? Don’t take advice from people who haven’t done what you’re trying to do!

What you NEED is a trusted mentor (or two!) and a proven path.

That’s right – no more guessing on where to find clients, how to setup pricing, or how to attain this elusive freedom – just all the steps laid out for you by successful (multi) 6-figure self-employed web designers, and an awesome support system cheering you on.
Leah Testimonial
Kyle Testimonial
Kelly Testimonial
Create your own dress code.


Break Into Web logo

Follow the proven path to self-employed web designer success. With personal support to get you there fast!

Break up with

your job your boss your cubicle your commute office drama the daily grind bullsh*t

and Break Into Web.

Break up with your boss your cubicle your commute crappy clients bullsh*t
and Break Into Web

What you’ll find inside

Course Modules

Module 1 - Setting up for Success

Discover your why, learn effective goal-setting techniques, make your business a legit entity, and design your unique business plan for the lifestyle you want!

Module 2 - Professional Presence

Build an effective portfolio starting with your own business website! Don’t have a projects to show off yet – no problem!

Module 3 - Cloning Clients

Learn 20+ methods to find and clone clients that you’ll love working with (and why our favorite method tops the rest). Get our secrets on natural follow-ups and closing that will keep business flowing!

Module 4 - Pricing + Passive Income

Take our magical pricing formula students have used to charge $2,000, $5,000, even $10,000 for a website. And of course – learn ways to easily generate almost passive income forever from each client.

Module 5 - Project Process

Access our checklists and templates we use every day to save time and money when building sites. Complete with done-for-you emails and our favorite tools.

Module 6 - Secrets to Standing Out

Learn the #1 Secret to building a successful freelance web design business in a sea of mediocre designers.

Also included in the course:

Facebook Group

Personal Support via LIVE Coaching Calls

You’re taking a huge step – of course you have questions! You are NOT in this alone! We have a live student-only Q&A each month with John & Kelly. We’ll answer questions about the course, give our advice on your business questions, as well as give encouragement & motivation for you to complete the course and grow your business. Can’t make it? No problem – every call is recorded and posted in the course material.
Facebook Group

Feedback in Private Facebook Group

Want to connect with others in your situation and see what they’re doing?

For additional support and plenty of feedback, you’ll have access to a private student-only Facebook Group. The group is a great place to ask questions, brainstorm with John, Kelly and other students, and get encouragement & motivation.

Being able to directly access the instructors is what our students love most.

Hosting & cPanel Advanced Course

Hands-Off Hosting

Do the technical aspects of websites freak you out?

DNS, domains and hosting can be overwhelming to navigate, but we have a solution exclusively for our students that takes all the tech off your plate WHILE you earn completely passive income! (Available exclusively for WordPress designers)

Sound too good to be true? It’s real! And really awesome.

How do I get started?

Step 1: Watch our Free Video Training


What our students say…

The time has never been better.

Don’t wait until next year … next month … or even Monday! Every moment you spend working for someone else and helping fulfill their dreams is a moment you’ll never get back to spend on yours.