
Web Design

Take your 6-Figure Web Design Business to the Next Level

with John Wooten 
& Kelly Diekmann


2:1 Coaching Support


Guest Experts


Collaborative Private Group


Tactical Content

Combined years


in the industry

Combined monthly


recurring revenue

upwards graph line

Combined monthly


recurring revenue

upwards graph line

Combined years


in the industry

Coming in 2024

After helping hundreds of students ‘Break Into Web’ and start web design businesses, John & Kelly are eager to engage with successful freelancers ready to push beyond the 6-figure threshold into multiple 6-figures.

Join the Multi-6-Fig Mastermind


Mastermind Topics

Financial Planning

Compare retirement accounts and strategic accounting practices

Multiple Revenue Streams

Part of the fun of self-employment is creating time (and money) for ‘other activities’… whether that be touring with a band, SaaS, real estate adventures, digital products, courses, day trading… John & Kelly have experience in many areas.

To Scale or NOT to Scale

You can hit multiple 6-Figures either way… John and Kelly both went different directions

Insurance Systems

How to best handle self-employed health insurance and other business insurance

Family Management

Strategies for managing a family and a booming business at the same time

You Choose!

Additional topics will be selected by the exclusive group of participants (networking, social media, SEO, AI, time management, ads…)

Program Features

6 Months & 10 Cap

Each mastermind session will last 6 months and is capped at 10 participants. This allows for high-touch support and close strategic alliances to be built within the group.

2:1 Web Design Coaching Support

Get access to John and/or Kelly for direct question & answer support

Weekly Audits

Get your website (or clients’) or business plans/goals audited for optimization

Guest Experts

We will welcome guest experts in the chosen mastermind topics decided upon by the group

Collaborative Private Group

Access to online group support to build strategic and friendly relationships. Includes monthly zoom calls and facebook group as well as breakout groups.

Tactical Content

Access to ALL course trainings ever created by John & Kelly as well as material specific to the multi-6 mastermind

Join the Waitlist

If any (or ALL) of the above feels like what you and your business have been missing… please join our Mastermind waitlist. We will send you details FIRST (with an exclusive offer) once we are ready to rock!